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Estate Planning Tips for Women

Women, on average live longer than men. How does this average involve your estate planning? As a result of the longevity of women over men, there is an increased need to plan for physical and/or mental incapacity that can occur in your later years. Discuss with your estate planning attorney how long-term care insurance can help cover the cost of incapacity and can even help you remain in your home for as long as possible.
Ladies, it is imperative that you plan NOW to prevent to the court from taking control of your personal care and finances that you and your partner or spouse have labored for and accumulated over the years, no matter the dollar amount.
At a minimum, you need a durable financial power of attorney for healthcare.
A revocable living trust also provides excellent protection in case of incapacity in that it allows you to name someone to step in and manage your financial affairs when you cannot, without court interference. I repeat…without court interference.
A living trust also contains your instructions for distributing your assets when you die, so this one document will control your assets at incapacity and death, something a will cannot do.
Most of us do not like to think about, let alone discuss death and the aging process. But we must. We must because we have loved ones that we care about us and we about them. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you’d like help with your estate planning. Visit Conti Law, LLC online or call me directly at 412-925-1512.